Sunday, February 6, 2011

Do you have a favorite Scripture ?

I have many!

But today in our 11-year old Sunday School class I was teaching about Jesus' life before his ministry.  Very little is written in the New Testament about this time, and I think that is by design.  It is my humble opinion that we do not need to know much, if anything at all, about the Savior's life before His baptism.  For baptism is the gateway that sets us on the pathway back to our Heavenly Father.  It is also the one time in our lives when we are truly made "clean" again.  I do not believe that Jesus needed to be baptized in order to be "clean" again (for it is written that He lived a life without sin).  BUT ... if we are truly to believe that after we are baptized that we are "clean" regardless of our past sins ... THEN ... wouldn't the same be true for Jesus if by some circumstance He had sinned as a child?

I digress (I do that alot now that I think about it!)  This blog could go on and on about my own speculations and personal beliefs about the early life of Jesus (basically anything before His mortal ministry).  Instead, I will simply share with you the passage of scripture that I enjoyed sharing with these 11-year old children in our class (5 total, two boys and three girls).

In the King James version of the Holy Bible, in the section known as the New Testament we find the Gospel according to St Luke.  In Chapter 2 verse 52 reads as follows:
"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man."

Short and to the point, but very poignant and deserving of serious reflection, this single scripture has always meant alot to me when I think about our responsibility on this Earth.  Of course it is specifically referring to the time in Jesus' life between His teaching of the teachers in the Temple at Jerusalem and his baptism some time later.  But it is also a great charge to each of us regardless of our age or situation in life.  I find it especially useful as a way to direct the youth of this day and age on how to act as they are making choices and growing from children through the teenage years and into early adulthood.

Most important to me personally is that Jesus increased "in favour with God and man."  Which makes me believe that He understood the importance of balancing His mission on this Earth as part of Heavenly Father's plan, with that of his experience as a human being among His friends, family, neighbors, etc.  Are we truly complete if we do not seek "favour" in both disciplines?  Certainly favour with God is the most important, but without favour of man it seems unlikely that we are truly living the way He intended.

What do you think?



  1. Very thought provoking... Thanks!

  2. Agree! By the way, it's fun following you guys through your blogs while I'm away...and thanks for inspiring me to do my own blog. It's been a great way to relieve stress and express myself.
