Monday, May 13, 2013

Should I Just Sell 'Em ?

While driving south on Powers Blvd the other day,
I came across the following billboard sign:

Two thoughts crossed my mind:

First, I've got 7 "little" Cases ... and I often wonder what they might be worth?  Looks like now I might be able to find out ... and legally at that!
Second, at the very least I should get myself reviewed
(as offered in the lower part of the sign).

Sometimes it's fun to have a unique (or not-so-unique if you think about it) last name.  I get to chuckle quite often in my day-to-day life about my last name.
I'm proud to be a Case!

Arguably our most famous product is equipment designed to move heaven and earth.

We've got our own place of higher learning, although I've never heard of our Eastern campus and I have never understood why we don't have "active" status ... always just "reserves."

And ALL mothers bring one of my could-be-a-family-members along with them when they go anywhere ... just-in-case!

It's good to be part of this crazy family!  :)

Song Of The Day:
I'm not sure if it will be released as a radio tune, but "In Case" by Demi Lovato is a nice song that just has my family name repeated over and over and over again.  She has a unique voice and I like her song "Skyscraper" so this is a nice way to tie it to the blog post and share that song too.  :)

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