Monday, February 13, 2012

Who Put Together That Video ?

Oh that's right!  It was ME !!!

Bwah ha ha ha ha!

I am sooooo excited!

Last week I figured out how to create my own "movies / videos" using my own CDs and collection of other music ... which can then be posted to YouTube and shared in this and my other (music) blog. I have asked many times before if any readers knew how to do this, but the help that was offered (although greatly appreciated) did not provide any resolution.

I idd a YouTube search and found a video that helped, although it did not directly give me the answer ... but it DID give me the idea to search the "Programs" section on our computer ... and THERE I found my salvation! Who knew that Windows Movie Maker would solve my desire to share some of my favorite music with "the world" ?!

So linked here below is my VERY FIRST attempt (so don't judge too harshly please) at putting music from a CD with personal pictures in a sort of montage video. You can bet there will be many more of these from me in the future, which I'll feature on my music blog.

I hope you enjoy it, but either way, comment and let me know your thoughts. If you're really good at this kind of movie making then I'd love to have you as a mentor with this stuff! I promise this "grasshopper" will be a good student!  Or you could just let me know if you have any song suggestions :)


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Daily Theme Songs ?

Less than one month into the new year and I'm already failing at many of my "Two Word Resolutions" ... sigh ... oh well.

I am, however, doing well with at least one of them, although you might not believe it.  I actually have been Blogging ... just not here ...

As you might have guessed (if you read my blog in 2011), daily blogging became quite a challenge.  It's not a "difficult" task, but it is not easy to justify taking time away from other activities to sit at a computer and type out some thoughts.

Introducing my "Daily Theme Song" blog!

Ta da!

Each day, I will be selecting a song that fits two criteria:
 - First, I like it ... ALOT!  The song has to be a "favorite" on some level.  I'm not sharing "bad" music, but you are free to not like the music I pick.
 - Second, it summarizes that day ... or an event from that day that I want to remember.  I think music creates stronger links to memories in our lives.

So check out my new blog by clicking on the link above.  I've already put about a month's worth of "Daily Theme Songs" out there so you can get a taste of the kinds of music I'll be sharing.

Feel free to "follow" that blog too ... if you like music and/or want a daily song to consider as a possible theme.

I will still write some posts for this blog, but probably only once every 1-2 weeks.  As always, thanks for your support and comments!  :)


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Two Word Resolutions ?

To make them easier to remember and accomplish,
herewith are my 2012 Two-Word Resolutions:

- Read more.
- Keep blogging.
- Yell less.
- Temple Attendance.
- Reguler exercise.
- Give thanks.
- Strengthen friendships.
- Eat healthier.
- Hug kids.
- Kiss Karen. :)

Feels like a reasonable and really fun list (especially that last one!)
