this Case household, the
4th of July has come to mean one set thing for the past five+ years: a day at the VGRA pool. My wife has been the President of the Pool Board for this local community pool for most of that same time period, and has done a remarkable job leading the board and helping
turn this pool around (but that's another story for another post). On this day every year, the pool has a MASSIVE party, primarily for pool members. The party has had a few elements change of the years, but one thing has been constant:
it's just plain old good family fun! There are relay and individual races (including watermelon pushing contests and wet t-shirt swimming [trust me, it's hard to swim in an over-sized wet t-shirt]). There is also a series of "money dives" for different age groups (to make it more fair). I'm grateful for the strong swimmers each of my kids are because they always do well in those money dives. To be fair, almost always is the money
re-invested in the pool itself by way of the snack bar, but the kids get to choose
how to spend their money so it's all good.

There is also a very loosely facilitated
water-balloon tossing "contest" which is depicted in the picture to the right. Some people take it really seriously and get quite a great distance apart from one another before inevitably one of the pairing mishandles a catch and gets a
balloon bath. For others, that bath happens on the first toss. No matter, as there are buckets full of water balloons to
try again with.
As much of a challenge as it can be to watch over our 7 kids
mostly by myself
(remember Karen is busy running the grill or staffing the check in table or supporting the whole pool in some way), it always ends up being a very enjoyable way to spend most of our day. I get a little swimming in and a little sun on my skin and usually a little time to read or just chat with other people. We're usually too exhausted at day's end to go watch any fireworks, but
the kids never seem to mind.
Song Of The Day:
I just love Brad Paisley's music and his song
"Water" just fits nicely with the theme of this day's post. One of the lyrics states "all you really need, this time of year ... is a place that's near: water" Quite a bit of the fun at these pool parties involves things that aren't so much
in the water as
near the water. Wise words song-writer, wise words.
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