At that moment, and forever afterward when I saw the little button, I wondered to myself (and sometimes out loud) the title of this blog post. I am a rational person and tried to contemplate any of various scenarios under which a keyboard light would be useful. I could come up with no logical reasons.
Until today.
I pressed the almost never used button and VOILA!
I can see!
Many emails were sent. The small light was not even a small distraction to the members of the class. Everyone wins. And I finally know when to use that handy little light!
Song Of The Day:
Sometimes new information comes to us and we can hear hallelujah choirs singing. Today, I thought of the song "Shine" by Collective Soul . It would have been even more amusing if I'd broken into the chorus in the middle of the class and, while pushing the button, sang loudly "Come on and SHINE!" But I didn't. The thought did cross my mind though.
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